about us

tomorrows =OperationCo-create Team

In various regions of Japan,to carry out community renovation.is all aboutpeopleWith a will to co-createwe are committed to shapinga ‘tomorrow’ where the community shines.

Creating spaces
and places
with PEOPLE.

All community and city planning begins with people.

Those who work in hotels and restaurants are among the protagonists,
with each individual’s hospitality and ideas contributing to the
destination of a journey, creating something unique that can only be
found there.
Eventually, the experiences chain together, resonating between
people, places, and cities, filling the region with vitality.

tomorrows is a partner accompanying all these stories.


What tomorrows can do in three areas: People, Spaces, and Communities.

Operation People

In the tourism/hotel/restaurant industry, we perceive a fundamental challenge lies in not prioritizing the people who work there. We believe that when staff enjoy their work, guests also have a more enjoyable experience. We strive to cultivate a form of communication that goes beyond manuals, continuously giving rise to innovative interactions. Our goal is to nurture individuals capable of spanning these boundaries and becoming irreplaceable key figures.

What we do

Support for recruitment, corporate branding, clarification of corporate identity,Support for the establishment of Human resource system, planning and team building, coaching for executives, facilitation of meetings and conferences, etc.

Hotel / Restaurant Spaces

The role of hotels and restaurants extends beyond their physical spaces; they act as catalysts for the revitalization of the city. Places that offer experiences beyond "staying" or "eating" have the potential to become destinations attracting diverse people from local and global communities.
tomorrows aims to create a sense of comfort, unique experiences, and serendipity that can only be found in the spaces it builds

What we do

Planning, operation, and support for stores and accommodation facilities, comprehensive support for opening( Planning the opening process, fundraising, legal procedure support, facility design or renovation, and staff training), project management, renovation, interior design, interior styling, branding, marketing support, procurement support (uniform and amenity development, system and website creation, graphic design, art curation) ,etc.

City / Town / Local Communities

Human resource development centered around operational capabilities is not only a means to create better establishments and spaces but can also be seen as a means to build a city.
Rather than simply inheriting existing structures or businesses in a specific location, the goal is to elevate and create new ventures by leveraging the resources of the community, providing universal values that align with the current demands of the city, fostering a hotel experience that utilizes the entire city. All of these initiatives begin with people.

What we do

Support for real estate development, feasibility studies, hotel and restaurant market and business due diligence, etc.


Our portfolio and dialog with our clients


Takashi Okada岡田 崇


Vitality / Outdoor / Breakthrough / Food crawl / Hotels / Inquisitive nature / Football / Dogs / Love / Team player / AGA / Interior / Sleep / Six-pack

Yoshiko Okada岡田 嘉子

HR Director

3 kids + 2 dogs / Homebodies / Casual chic / Taro Okamoto / Hawaii / Bali / Beef curry / Tomatoes / Euro space / Kotaro Isaka / Kingdom

Kaz Yamada山田 和彦

Project Manager

Hotel / Restaurant / Travel / Wine / Classic / Prosciutto / Karuizawa / Tsukiji born / Tokyoite / Dumplings creator / Wooden architecture

Kosuke Shinozaki篠崎 宏介

Project Manager

Camping / Beer / DIY / Denpark / Mountains / Naps / Light clothing / Delica D5 / Gardening / Simple style / Universal things / Rational

For over 20 years, tomorrows has been involved in planning, operating, and supporting hotels, restaurants, and the revitalization of businesses. We believe that the storytelling of elements that bring advantage and differentiation to a location can make Japan's tourism and service industry more attractive. 

The process of aligning the background, history, and traditions inherent in the business with the contemporary era, combining them with global standards, maximizing the effective use of existing resources, and redefining the business's value and services. Through these efforts, we believe the future is destined to become more enjoyable.

We will propose redesigning the business in the best possible way that aligns with the current era while cherishing its local identity. We aim to create new values that resonate with everyone involved in the project, ensuring a sense of richness, and foster the development of a town that is loved across generations. We will collaboratively create new values with all stakeholders, driving the business forward with strength and vigor.。

tomorrows CEO Takashi Okada

Company name

tomorrows Inc.


Takashi Okada




#2F Mhaus 2-13-14 Kamiosaki,Shinagawa,Tokyo


